DOP120LAXA041SE 12" .050 Gauge Laser Lite Chain saw Bar fits Sears Chainsaws. Solid nose with wear-resistant alloy laser welded around the tip. Fits Sears 3400, 3401, 3402, 3407, 34071, 34094, 34104, 341040, 3411, 34115, 34116, 34117, 34118, 3412, 3414, 3415, 3425, 3445, 3455, 3460, 3461, 3476, 35023, 35024, 35025, 35027, 35028, 35037, 35038, 35044, 35046, 35048, 35056, 35058, 35060, 35067, 35080, 35081, 35082, 35088, 35091, 35093, 35095, 35096, 351040, 351140, 35160, 35161, 35180, 35181, 35182, 35202, 35203, 35205, 35206, 35207, 35209, 35211, 35215, 35216, 35219, 35224, 35231, 35232, 35235, 35238, 35255, 35266, 35267, 352680, 35269, 35270, 35273, 35280, 35281, , 35283, 35363, 35366, 35367, 35504, 35505, 35506, 35508, 35512, 35514, 35515, 35516, 35624.1, 35713, 35714, 35717, 35718, 35736, 35824, 35841, 35886, 36010, 36012, 36015, 36017, 360360, 360380, 36080, 36082, 36085, 36087 Chainsaws.