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AYP / Craftsman / Sears Blades

AYP Blade fits 22" Cut Decks for walk behind, mulcher No. 14114


AYP Blade fits 22" Cut Decks for walk behind, mulcher. Size: Length: 21-3/4", Center Hole: 5/8", Outer Hole: 3/8", Center to center: 1-7/8", Width-thickness: 225-134. Replaces # 532141114, 406713, 134768, 157101, 152202, 700973, 91333256 & 91333269.{Blades are sold individually}


AYP Blade fits 38" Cut Decks Replaces Part No. 127842


AYP Blade fits 38" Cut Decks, needs two blades. Size: Length: 19-9/32", Center Hole: 5/8" Star, Width-thickness: 225-134. Replaces # 127842, 138970, and 138497.{Blades are sold individually}


AYP Blade fits 42" Cut Decks. Replaces Part No. 127843


AYP Blade fits 42" Cut Decks, needs two blades. Size: Length: 21", Center Hole: 5/8"Star, Width-thickness: 225-149. Replaces # 127843, 138498, 131323, 138791 & 532127843.{Blades are sold individually}


AYP Gator Mulching 3-in-1 Blade fits 36" Cut Decks No. 127841


AYP Gator Mulching 3-in-1 Blade fits 36" Cut Decks, needs two blades. Size: Length: 18-3/16", Center Hole: 5/8"Star, Width-thickness: 300-164. Replaces # 1278471 & 138496.{Blades are sold individually}


AYP Gator Mulching 3-in-1 Blade fits 38" Cut Decks No. 131322


AYP Gator Mulching 3-in-1 Blade fits 38" Cut Decks, needs two blades. Size: Length: 19-9/32", Center Hole: 5/8"Star, Width-thickness: 250-187. Replaces # 131322 & 138497.{Blades are sold individually}


AYP Gator Mulching 3-in-1 Blade fits 50" Cut Decks No. 137380


AYP Gator Mulching 3-in-1 Blade fits 50" Cut Decks, needs three blades. Size: Length: 17-3/8", Center Hole: 5/8"Star, Width-thickness: 250-187. Replaces # 137380, 156468, 137380MS & 532137380.{Blades are sold individually}


AYP Gator Mulching 3-in-1 Blade fits 54" Cut Decks No. 187254


AYP Gator Mulching 3-in-1 Blade fits 54" Cut Decks, needs three blades. Size: Length: 18-1/2", Center Hole: 5/8"Star, Width-thickness: 250-187. Replaces # 187254.{Blades are sold individually}


AYP / Craftsman / Sears Blade No. 187256


AYP / Craftsman / Sears  Blade No. 187256. You will need  3 Blades for a 54" cut. Size: Length 18 1/2", Center Hole: 5/8" Star, Width-Thickness" 275-187. Replaces AYP part numbers 532187256, 187256, 532187254 and 187254.{Blades are sold individually}



AYP / Craftsman / Sears Blade No. 587199603


AYP / Craftsman / Sears  Blade No. 587199603. This is an original AYP blade.


AYP / Craftsman / Sears Mulching Blade fits 21


AYP / Craftsman / Sears Mulching Blade fits 21" Cut Decks. Size: Length: 20-15/16", Center Hole: 27/32", Outer Hole: 3/8", Center to center: 2-1/2", Width-thickness: 225-134. Replaces # 140026.{Blades are sold individually}


AYP / Craftsman / Sears Mulching Blade No. 187255


AYP / Craftsman / Sears  Mulching Blade No. 187255. Fits 54" cut decks. Needs three blades. Size: Length: 18-1/2", Center Hole: 5 pt. star, Width-Thickness: 2.50/.187. Replaces AYP part numbers 187255, 187254, and 187256. {Blades are sold individually}


AYP / Craftsman / Sears Blade


AYP / Craftsman / Sears Blade. 22-7/8" Replaces Craftsman blade part numbers 405380, 532405380. {Blades are sold individually}



AYP / Craftsman / Sears Blade No. 532406706


AYP / Craftsman / Sears Blade No. 532406706. This is an original equipment blade. Replaces part number 406706


AYP / Craftsman / Sears Blade No. 532422719


AYP / Craftsman / Sears Blade No. 532422719. This is an original equipment blade. Replaces part number 422719. {Blades are sold individually}


AYP / Craftsman / Sears Gator Mulching 3-in-1 High Lift Blade fits 42" Cut Decks No. 138971


AYP / Craftsman / Sears Gator Mulching 3-in-1 High Lift Blade fits 42" Cut Decks, needs two blades. Size: Length: 21", Center Hole: 5/8" Star, Width-thickness: 250-187. Replaces # 138971 & 138498. {Blades are sold individually}


AYP / Craftsman / Sears High Lift Blade No. 406712


AYP / Craftsman / Sears High Lift Blade No. 406712. Fits 21" cut decks. Replaces OEM part No. 189028. {Blades are sold individually}


AYP / Craftsman / Sears Lawn Mower Blade No. 1731898BZYP


AYP / Craftsman / Sears Lawn Mower Blade No. 1731898BZYP. This is an original equipment Sears lawn mower blade. Replaces part numbers 1731898 and 1731898ASM. {Blades are sold individually}


AYP / Craftsman / Sears Lawn Mower Blade No. 532437601


AYP / Craftsman / Sears Lawn Mower Blade 22" No. 532437601. This  is an original OEM blade. Fits model 917.379131. Replaces part number 437601. {Blades are sold individually}



AYP / Craftsman / Sears Lawnmower Blade No. 532421825


AYP / Craftsman / Sears Lawnmower Blade No. 532421825. This is an original equipment blade. Replaces part number 421825. {Blades are sold individually}



AYP / Craftsman / Sears Mower Blade No. 130652


AYP / Craftsman / Sears Mower Blade No. 130652. This is a quality aftermarket blade 15 3/8  with a 5 point star with a width/thickness of 2.25/1.49 with a 1/8 offset 15/16 lift. Replaces part numbers 130652, 532130652,917130652MS and 917532130652.



Ayp / Craftsman / Sears Mower Blade No. 581101101


Ayp / Craftsman / Sears Mower Blade No. 581101101. This is an original mower blade that fits a 54" cut mower. It takes 3 for a 54" deck. {Blades are sold individually}



AYP / Craftsman / Sears Single Blade No 1401079E701MA


AYP / Craftsman / Sears Single Blade No 1401079E701MA. This is an original equipment blade. Replaces part number 1401079. {Blades are sold individually}



AYP / Craftsman /Sears Mower Blade No. 510417901


AYP / Craftsman /Sears Mower Blade No. 510417901. This is a quality aftermarket blade that measures 21" long with a 5 point star center hole, outer holes measures 5/16" center to center is 3 1/8 " width is 2.25 and thickness is .187 with a 3/4" lift. This is a sand blade replaces part numbers 510417901, 532131323, 127843, 138498, 138791,  138971, 531307224, 532138498, 532138971, 586230101, 917127843, 917131323, 91738489MS and 917532138498. {Blades are sold individually}


Ayp / Craftsman Sears Gator G5 Mower Blades No.127843


Ayp / Craftsman Sears Gator G5 Mower Blades No.127843. This is a quality aftermarket G5 Gator 5 star blade that measures 21" long , 5/16 center hole, 3 1/8" center to center, width and thickness is 3.00/.164 with a 1" lift. Replaces AYP part numbers 127843, 138498, 138791, 138971, 531307224, 532138498, 532138971, 586230101, 917127843, 917131323, 917138489MS and 917532138498. {Blades are sold individually}



Ayp /Craftsman/ Sears Blade No. 532406707


Ayp /Craftsman/ Sears Blade No. 532406707. This is an original equipment blade.


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