AYP / Craftsman / Sears Lawn Mower 8 X 1.75 Wheel No 532403111. This is a replacement wheel replaces part numbers 72-033, 180658, 583104401, 532403111, 104401, 403111 and 194231x427
AYP / Craftsman / Sears Front 6" Grey Rim No. 532439333. This is a original Craftsman lawn mower front wheel asm part number 583652701 and 106732x613. Comes with the bushings. Replaces part numbers 532106732, 532439333, 583652701, and 532106732.
AYP / Craftsman / Sears 12 X 1.75 Rear Mower Wheel No. 581010305. This is an original AYP part that replaces AYP part numbers 195012x421 and 581010305.
AYP / Craftsman / Sears Lawnmower Wheel Assembly No 189159. This is an original AYP 14" replacement rear wheel that replaces part numbers 189159 and 190013